Australia's Men's Rights Advocates
Non-Profit Advocates Promoting Gender Equality for Men and Their Children
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About the Men's Rights Agency (MRA)

MRA is attempting to "level the playing field" so all Australians can be treated equally, with respect, consideration and compassion, whilst acknowledging their own responsibilities.

MRA has created a National network of dedicated professionals - solicitors, barristers, counsellors, psychologists, accountants, financial advisers and other consultants, who have a special understanding of the issues from a man's/father's point of view.

Using MRA's services provides access to these specialists with free appointments and reduced ongoing fees.

Assistance is directly available from MRA with Child Support Agency problems, emergency housing, employment, friendship and suicide prevention.

Meetings with guest speakers, an online email list and printed information keeps MRA people up to date with recent developments.

MRA strategies provide a better chance for a more equitable outcome, especially for your children, who should be able to spend time with both parents. Children need both a mum and a dad. Do not let yourself be shut out of your children's lives. They depend on you!

Men’s Rights Agency Aims and Objectives

· To promote equal rights and a level playing field for all men. We acknowledge the right of all women to equality, but over-reaction is causing an imbalance leading to discrimination against men.

· To ensure all clients have prompt access to experienced solicitors specializing in family law, criminal or civil matters, counsellors & psychologists, accountants & financial advisers, and other consultants.

· To monitor the performance of all "professionals" by ensuring the highest standard of service is available to provide for the best possible outcome for our clients.

· To provide assistance with Child Support Agency matters.

· To provide assistance with emergency accommodation and employment opportunities by encouraging MRA people to interact with and help each other.

· To provide aid to victims of domestic violence and encourage initiatives to reduce the incidence of domestic violence.

· To promote and generate discussion of the aims and objectives of MRA.

· To encourage state and federal governments to provide the same level of assistance for men's issues, including health, (with particular emphasis on reducing male suicide which occurs as a result of family breakdown) as is now provided for women's issues.

· To provide input into all review processes of state and federal legislation, in particular those areas affecting family relationship breakdown.

· To protect children and their right to be raised in a secure loving environment.

· To achieve an equal balance between men and women through acceptance that both genders are different and have different needs, but are complementary to each other.