Australia's Men's Rights Advocates
Non-Profit Advocates Promoting Gender Equality for Men and Their Children
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Self-represented litigant family law training courses

The Men’s Rights Agency periodically runs a course of weekly seminars, over 2 to 3 weeks, designed specifically to assist men who wish to represent themselves in Family Court, the Federal Magistrates Court or State Magistrates Court.

Everyone needs to understand the current family law legislation. Other topics covered include domestic violence, child support and defacto property law.

The seminars are conducted by specialist MRA lawyers in Brisbane, the Bethania Community Centre or at Southport.

Previous seminars have proven successful as evidenced by the number of fathers who have successfully represented themselves in court and in their negotiations with the other party after attending our courses.

Even with the move towards mediation, it is essential that you receive information about what is regarded as a fair outcome and possible consequences of not protecting your rights and those of your children to an ongoing and positive relationship with you, which may be unreasonably curtailed or restricted due to the demands of the other party.

The course will cover an explanation of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2005 and shared parenting (time) factors and what 'Shared Parental Responsibility' really covers. The Act does not guarantee shared parenting time.

Practical issues that we cover in the course are; affidavits, subpoenas, cross-examination, arguing your case in court, other important issues you need to know to launch and maintain an effective case to achieve shared parenting, gaining residency, settling property issues, filing for a breach of an order, defending against or apply for a domestic violence protection order, and seeking child support departures.

We will also enlighten you to some of the little-known strategies you can employ to level the playing field when the other party is legally represented.

The fee for the course is set at a reasonable level to cover the cost of the room hire and materials provided. A concession for those who are registered with MRA will apply.

Whilst no courses are planned for the immediate future, please advise us of your interest in attending future courses. We will email you when new courses are available.